Kool Aircon
Contact: 88152868
AC Servicing:
– 1 unit = $55
– 2 units = $65
– 3 units = $75
– 4 units = $85
– 5 units = $95
– 6 units = $105
Chemical Wash
– 1 unit = $80
– 2 units = $150
– 3 units = $210
– 4 units = $260
– 5 units = $300
Gas Top up = $80 to $150 (depends on volume)
Singapore Curtains Centre
Contact: Marie 93366113
Curtain Dry Cleaning: $12.50/kg (inclusive of dismantling, collection and hanging back) with min. $150.
Lawrence 91089471
Basic Package = $150/unit
(less than 1500sqft)
1. Property Walkthrough Video
2. 360 Virtual Tour
3. Professional Property Photography
Free Lifetime Hosting
Professional HDR 4K Photography Quality
48-72 hours Delivery
*Prices maybe subject to changes according to vendor pricing.
a. Unit more than 1500sqft = $70
b. Intro/Outro by Salesperson = $50
c. Talking Scene = $25 per scene
d. Nearby Amenities = $50
e. Voiceover and Subtitles = $50
f. Presenter Host = $100 per hour
g. Tiktok/IG Reel = $70
h. Explainer Video = $400
Simply whatsapp the below details here or via TRX website, and the media team will be in touch with you. Payment instructions will be sent to you and payment via paynow shall be done before the shoot.
a. Name of Salesperson
b. Mobile Number
c. Full address of shoot
d. Preferred day and time
e. Property details (No of bedrooms & baths, size in sqft, HDB/Landed model type, etc)